ядерную войну переживут мутанты, тараканы и Джим Тиберий Кирк. Ура, товарищи!
27.06.2013 в 13:13
Пишет  Brompton:


Sterek AU: Since Scott & Isaac found out about Stiles’s ‘little crush’ on Derek, their new favorite past time is teasing Stiles whenever they can.. Until they find out that his ‘little crush’ isn’t little anymore.


text eng

Teen Wolf AU: Derek finds out that Peter has been killing virgins in order to surrect the family members that were killed in the fire….and he needs Stiles to complete the ritual.



URL записи

@темы: WTF?, волчонок, teen wolf, дерек, sterek, стерек, стайлз, лол, што это?, сеней ай, да яой